Download filtered occurrence data from FinBIF as a data.frame
filter = NULL,
select = NULL,
order_by = NULL,
aggregate = "none",
sample = FALSE,
n = 10,
page = 1,
count_only = FALSE,
quiet = getOption("finbif_hide_progress"),
cache = getOption("finbif_use_cache"),
dwc = FALSE,
date_time_method = NULL,
check_taxa = TRUE,
on_check_fail = c("warn", "error"),
tzone = getOption("finbif_tz"),
locale = getOption("finbif_locale"),
seed = NULL,
drop_na = FALSE,
aggregate_counts = TRUE,
exclude_na = FALSE,
unlist = FALSE,
facts = NULL,
duplicates = FALSE,
filter_col = NULL,
restricted_api = NULL
- ...
Character vectors or list of character vectors. Taxa of records to download.
- filter
List of named character vectors. Filters to apply to records.
- select
Character vector. Variables to return. If not specified, a default set of commonly used variables will be used. Use
as a shortcut for this set. Variables can be deselected by prepending a-
to the variable name. If only deselects are specified the default set of variables without the deselection will be returned.- order_by
Character vector. Variables to order records by before they are returned. Most, though not all, variables can be used to order records before they are returned. Ordering is ascending by default. To return in descending order append a
to the front of the variable (e.g.,"-date_start"
). Default order is"-date_start"
.- aggregate
Character. If
(default), returns full records. If one or more of"records"
; aggregates combinations of the selected variables by counting records, species, taxa, individuals or events or documents. Aggregation by events or documents cannot be done in combination with any of the other aggregation types.- sample
Logical. If
randomly sample the records from the FinBIF database.- n
Integer. How many records to download/import.
- page
Integer. Which page of records to start downloading from.
- count_only
Logical. Only return the number of records available.
- quiet
Logical. Suppress the progress indicator for multipage downloads. Defaults to value of option
.- cache
Logical or Integer. If
or a number greater than zero, then data-caching will be used. If not logical then the cache will be invalidated after the number of hours indicated by the argument. If a length one vector is used, its value will only apply to caching occurrence records. If the value is length two, then the second element will determine how metadata is cached.- dwc
Logical. Use Darwin Core (or Darwin Core style) variable names.
- date_time_method
Character. Passed to
variables have been selected. Default is"fast"
when less than 100,000 records are requested and"none"
when more. Using method"none"
assumes all records are in timezone "Europe/Helsinki", Usedate_time_method = "accurate"
(requires packagesf
) for greater accuracy at the cost of slower computation.- check_taxa
Logical. Check first that taxa are in the FinBIF database. If true only records that match known taxa (have a valid taxon ID) are returned.
- on_check_fail
Character. What to do if a taxon is found not valid. One of
(default) or"error"
.- tzone
Character. If
has been selected the timezone of the outputted date-time. Defaults to system timezone.- locale
Character. One of the supported two-letter ISO 639-1 language codes. Current supported languages are English, Finnish and Swedish. For data where more than one language is available the language denoted by
will be preferred while falling back to the other languages in the order indicated above.- seed
Integer. Set a seed for randomly sampling records.
- drop_na
Logical. A vector indicating which columns to check for missing data. Values recycled to the number of columns. Defaults to all columns.
- aggregate_counts
Logical. Should count variables be returned when using aggregation.
- exclude_na
Logical. Should records where all selected variables have non-NA values only be returned.
- unlist
Logical. Should variables that contain non atomic data be concatenated into a string separated by ";"?
- facts
Character vector. Extra variables to be extracted from record, event and document "facts".
- duplicates
Logical. If
, allow duplicate records/aggregated records when making multi-filter set requests. IfFALSE
(default) duplicate records are removed.- filter_col
Character. The name of a column, with values derived from the names of the filter sets used when using multiple filters, to include when using multiple filter sets. If
(default), no column is included.- restricted_api
Character. If using a restricted data API token in addition to a personal access token, a string indicating the name of an environment variable storing the restricted data API token.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get recent occurrence data for taxon
finbif_occurrence("Cygnus cygnus")
# Specify the number of records
finbif_occurrence("Cygnus cygnus", n = 100)
# Get multiple taxa
finbif_occurrence("Cygnus cygnus", "Ursus arctos")
# Filter the records
species = "Cygnus cygnus",
filter = list(coordinate_accuracy_max = 100)
} # }